Thompson’s unique and deep understanding of why friendship is a crucial aspect of healthy development makes this a groundbreaking book a ‘best friend’ and ‘must-read’ for every parent, teacher, and counselor.
Thompson’s unique and deep understanding of why friendship is a crucial aspect of healthy development makes this a groundbreaking book a ‘best friend’ and ‘must-read’ for every parent, teacher, and counselor.
The stories in this book come from many perspectives – those of therapists, educators, and parents. The wise, kind authors give us a fresh and cogent analysis of this critically important issue. I recommend Best Friends, Worst Enemies to all those who work with and love kids.
Bringing together the latest research and the mosst timeless knowledge and wisdom, this monumental book is unique, invaluable, and urgently important. Any person who cares about boys must own this book, as it addresses every relevant question and provides not only authoritative answers but also comfort, warmth, enthusiasm, and spark. What a truly amazing achievement, what a gift Dr. Thompson has given us all.
Wise, sensible, accessible, useful—this is the must-have book that all parents of boys will want and need to turn to as their child grows from a baby to an adolescent. Illuminated by Thompson’s years of experience working with boys and their families, this book is chock-full of new insights and the latest science about the ages and stages of boys’ development. It’s a Boy! is a book that parents, educators, health professionals, and policy makers will go back to again and again and each time come away with a deeper understanding and appreciation of why ‘boys will be boys.’
Michael Thompson has gradually earned his place as the Warren Buffet of child rearing, the real deal. His track record of uncanny timing, his hard-won knowledge, common sense, and humanism have resonated with parents everywhere. Now there is a desperate need to understand our boys more deeply; there is a palpable hunger to learn how to handle our sons better. It’s a Boy! does both in a way not seen before. It’s a Boy! will help your son to feel more loved, understood, and effecitvely guided by you—forever.
Spectacular, extraordinary insight, enriched by countless poignant and telling stories of boys and their parents and teachers. It’s a Boy! is an immensely helpful navigational chart for steering through the shoals of a boy’s developmental stages.